
Mount and blade warband rhodok sergeant
Mount and blade warband rhodok sergeant

mount and blade warband rhodok sergeant

To my surprise, I was led before the Steward himself. I delivered the news of the concerning orc incursion. We made fast friends, and a few words with his sergeant led to him joining the small armed force I intend to build. I have talked with the guildmaster of my desire to contribute to the war effort in any fashion, and he was kind enough to point me to Cirdil, a talented city guard who is anxious to go out there, do his part, and see more of the world. It always does my heart good to return to Minas Ithil. War is coming, and the authorities must be warned post-haste. Torbal, the chief caravaneer, noted that these were larger orcs than are usually seen in the area, and bearing an ancient symbol of Mordor on their shields. Regardless, the merchants were grateful for my assistance. But I wish, I truly wish, that things were different and diplomacy had been an option. Three orcs, slain by my blade before the dust settled. It is entirely possible that the merchants, armed and valiant as they were, would have won without my intervention, but intervene I did. I was on the road when I encountered a group of Rohan merchants being attacked by a band of orcs.

mount and blade warband rhodok sergeant

For Gondor! For the free people of Middle Earth! It is time for me to go out there and contribute to the war effort, as my country needs all hands on deck. It is time I use my sword for something other than sparring with the family retainers. There is no further excuse for putting it off. My native Minas Ithil mourns, and so do I, for a man I've only ever seen from a distance - though technically from a highborn family, I was never in the sort of social circles that rubbed shoulders with the Steward and his family. One could be forgiven, then, for finding it puzzling how the death of one man has such an impact on morale. Between Sauron and Saruman, the continent is pressured from two sides, unable to mount a proper unified front. and the rest of Middle-Earth is no better off than my homeland, if the news is to be trusted. The Shadow rises in the East, the Corsairs of Umbar grow bolder by the day, wicked men descend upon Gondor's southern and eastern borders. You'd think that a small thing in the greater schemes. *(Yeah, that's not exactly a Gondorian name, but Helen Garland's a character I've used in a number of settings (usually as a paladin), so she stays.) XDįrom the journals of Helen* of Minas Ithil: So, hey, I figured I'd try a Where I Play while staying in-character. I recently got into Mount&Blade, and tried out mods - and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Last Days of the Third Age, a mod for playing in Middle Earth during the War of the Ring.

Mount and blade warband rhodok sergeant